CSR Project for F.Y. 2022-23
S. No. Sector Activity Details Area (District / Block/ Village) Budget (INR in Crore)
1 HEALTH Birhor Vikas Samiti Jharkhand 0.50
Sanitary at Civil Court Premises
Senior Citizen Welfare
Drinking RO water facility
2 EDUCATION Scholarship Jharkhand 0.30
Women Empowerment (Skil Development)
Legal Awareness through wall graphics/board in Civil Court premises
Birhor Vikas Samiti
3 ENVIRONMENT SUSTAINABILITY Maintenance of State Government's Parks, Civil Court Premises, Railway Premises Jharkhand 0.65
4 SPORTS To support and encourge the youth in Volleyball in Jharkhand National 0.45
5 ROAD SAFETY Barricade, Sign Board etc. for Public utility in Public place
